Top 10 Events of 2015


10.) Pepperland at Cicero's
Pepperland is a great Beatles cover band who I went to see at Cicero's in St. Louis twice this year. No real memories besides some dude touching a chick's butt and me winning a free drink at Beatles trivia. I also danced like an idiot because that's the only way I know how to dance.

9.) Eric Moeller at Fubar
My friend Eric played guitar and sang at Fubar in St. Louis. I brought and bumped into a few friends so it was an okay night that ended way too early. Thus is life. No specific moments really come to mind. Probably because of the liquor.

8.) Sky Burnt White at Blondie's
My friends' band Sky Burnt White played at a local bar and it was a good time seeing old friends from high school. Did I just say that? Well, there weren't many dicks there that night so it was pretty cool. Afterwards I ate at a twenty-four hour pancake place and felt like puking. That is about the only thing I remember.

7.) Chris Kattan at The Funny Bone
Chris Kattan is more of a storyteller than a stand up comedian. But as long as you enjoy funny stories it works out fine. He was really cool to talk, I just wish my photos with him had turned out better. I look like Jabba the Hutt.

6.) Pauly Shore at The Funny Bone
My friend and I went to see Pauly Shore's second show of the night and he seemed really exhausted. He was a funny and nice guy but I don't think he liked shaking my hand. He probably saw me masturbating in the restroom ten minutes before his set.

5.) Norm MacDonald at Lumiere Place
Norm MacDonald is one of the only comics I didn't get to meet after his show, which was disappointing. Still, the show was funny and he did call on me in the audience when he asked if anyone ever had a colonoscopy. If I was brave enough I could have gotten an autograph since I was so close to the stage.

4.) Tom Green at The Funny Bone
Tom Green is not the happiest comic on stage when he feels he is being heckled, but I probably wouldn't be either. It kind of added to the fun when a drunk ended up storming out after Tom embarrassed him several times. I got to meet him after the show and he was friendly, though very rushed trying to get through a line of fans. When he came back into the bar next to the comedy club I gave him a high five while an intoxicated fan was following him, determined to buy him a drink.

3.) Billy Joel at The Sprint Center
My friend and I drove to Kansas Cityto see Billy Joel's concert and try to snag an autograph. Though he drove by me, my autograph venture was unsuccessful. This was my second Billy Joel concert so it wasn't as exciting as the first time but still a good show.

2.) Michael Rooker and Scott Wilson at Planet Comic Con
I only spoke to The Walking Dead stars briefly but they were very friendly and cool. I got a rare rush of excitement meeting them both. The long drive to Kansas Citywas worth it.

1.) Randy and Mr. Lahey at Highpoint
Randy Bobandy and Jim Lahey put on a greasy as fuck show in Champaign, Illinois. I drove over four hours to see their drunken, cheeseburger eating antics. The best part was getting to talk with them after the show again, but even better was slapping Randy's cheeseburger locker gut.

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